These made perfect sense to me. I live my life in the most honest way I see possible. I chose to not surround myself with people whom aren't honest with me, or with whom I don't feel I can be honest with. Once someone I am close with betrays me when it comes to honesty, I tend to be very hesitant around them from then on. I also enjoy loving people blindly. This could be seen as a bad thing, but it's something I like about myself. I have a closely knit group of individuals who I love with my whole heart and I would do absolutely anything for them. As for the teamwork and leadership traits, I feel as though those go hand in hand with each other. All my life I have been a team player, whether in a sport, in the classroom, at work, or in relationships. Going off of that, I love to lead people. I have been the captain of numerous different sports teams growing up, from soccer in 7th grade, all the way to basketball my senior year of high school. I like to take charge of group products, and some of that comes from me liking to do things my own way, and not wanting to rely on others.
My bottom four made just as much sense to me. They were as follows.

I tend to live life at a constant speed, fast paced, and I fail to slow down and take a look around me. I rarely "stop to smell the roses," you could say. This is something that I would personally like to improve upon. I feel as though it is something that would improve my personal quality of life and make me happier. As far as self-regulation goes, I'm surprised this wasn't my last trait. I am the worst when it comes to self-control. I can't stay on a diet, I'm awful at going to the gym everyday, and I spent way more time than I should watching Netflix. As of the past month I have been doing a lot better in this area. I have realized that if I don't start improving upon it now, these habits will stick with me for the rest of my life and I will be unhealthy and lazy. Forgiveness is one of my greatest weaknesses. It ties into my stubbornness, which my mom always tells me will hold me back. I lost one of my best friends in high school due to her severely breaking my trust, and me not being able to forgive her. I hold grudges, and I dwell on things. Spirituality does make the most sense as my last trait. I am Catholic, but I haven't been to church in a long time, besides for a wedding. I did get confirmed, but I did that to please my Nana. Overall I found this quiz to be very enlightening, I was even tempted to download the full report, but of course I'm too broke for that.