One thing that I just discovered about myself while taking the MBTI this time around was that I am a defender personality type. I tend to put others first and like to make sure that they're alright before I take care of myself. The specific lettered results I got from the Myers Briggs test were, ISFJ, which in short translates to, "A high sense of duty."
I believe that the biggest traits that "The Big Five" got right about me is that I am a huge worry-wart. I worry about everything, from super important to not at all relevant to my life. The other trait would be the fact that I am extremely close-minded. This translates into my life because I hate change, I'm not very good at it at all. I'm also the kind of person who refuses to try new foods or go to parties where I'm forced to hang out with people I don't know. After seeing my results and just how close minded I am, it makes me realize that it is probably something I should work on.
In my free time I'm one of those people who always takes the random personality tests that one would find on Facebook. I think that they're fun and silly, but at the same time I also think that they really make you reflect on yourself and see if you like the person that you are.
The following is the charted results that I received from the Big Five: